Meet Ups

CHAOS meet ups and Masterclasses

Our regular CHAOS meet ups are a great place to meet other creatives and people involved in culture in the city

Everyone’s welcome, whether you’ve been involved with CHAOS for years, or only just found out we exist! There’s no pressure to attend regularly, come along to just one meet up or join us every time.

Our meet ups are very laid-back and are focussed on providing the space and time for people to get together, chat, share experiences and make connections. It’s totally free to attend, but please let us know you’re coming by registering using the links below.

Come and say hi, we’d love to see you!

If you’d like more information about our meetings, get in touch here

Here are the dates for our next meet ups:

CHAOS Meet Up and Arches Open Studios Visit – 10am-12pm, Sat 8th June @ Planet Sounds – More info and tickets here

More dates to be added very soon!